The Carnivore Diet

@BigDan Congrats !!!!

Jan 1, 2024 I was at 234 lbs.
As of this morning, I am 198.4 lbs.
I used the simple, tried and true, factually backed knowledge that has been around for ages.

It isn't about the <insert macro nutrient here> it never has been. It is about Calories In vs Calories Out, and MOVEMENT.

Here is a simple formula for anyone to use.
Choose your ideal weight you want to be. Let's say 200 lbs. Multiply that by 12. that gives you the amount of calories you need to eat to maintain that specific weight in a day. If you want to lose weight to get to 200, eat less than that amount.

200 x 12 = 2,400 (calories). to maintain 200lbs.
eating less than 2,400 calories in a day and by moving around (approx. 10,000 steps a day, which is a 60mins of walking) you will lose weight. (unless you have a serious medical condition that affects your overall body's metabolic ability.)

You are spot on, it's really not that hard to lose weight naturally and maintain, when you make lifestyle changes and understand how it all works for "most people". My god daughter just got back from a 2 week trip to Japan, she said that not a single obese person was seen on her entire trip in terms of the Japanese natives, but saw plenty of obese vacationers there. Overall it's the food choices that we make day in and day out and being remotely active, and we are no question being slowly poisoned with big pharma meds/environmental/additives/preservatives/toxins and a sedentary lifestyle. We are hardcore living in the world of instant gratification and instant results.........reality just doesn't work that way, nor will doing such last very long. I am 52 years old and haven't looked or felt this good since college, and hasn't been that hard to do nor have I sacrificed much in the big scheme of things. Way to go with your getting healthier, we need all the advantages we can get these days in order to stay above ground and out of the medical institutions.
You are spot on, it's really not that hard to lose weight naturally and maintain, when you make lifestyle changes and understand how it all works for "most people". My god daughter just got back from a 2 week trip to Japan, she said that not a single obese person was seen on her entire trip in terms of the Japanese natives, but saw plenty of obese vacationers there. Overall it's the food choices that we make day in and day out and being remotely active, and we are no question being slowly poisoned with big pharma meds/environmental/additives/preservatives/toxins and a sedentary lifestyle. We are hardcore living in the world of instant gratification and instant results.........reality just doesn't work that way, nor will doing such last very long. I am 52 years old and haven't looked or felt this good since college, and hasn't been that hard to do nor have I sacrificed much in the big scheme of things. Way to go with your getting healthier, we need all the advantages we can get these days in order to stay above ground and out of the medical institutions.
I could lose weight in my 50s pretty easily, but i was still working too. Now in my mid 60s and retired, weight loss has become what seems like an impossibility....

I try to eat less and do more, but......
Clearly she didn’t watch any Sumo wrestling!

I figured I didn't need to mention Sumo wrestlers, she did see some but they are not the typical Japanese man, and they work hard to make/keep their bodies that way. :) They are realistically more along the lines of an elite level American offensive line football player, not sure we can qualify those giants of men to be obese, same for power lifters and world strong man competitors. Obese/overweight and poor physical fitness, that's more along the lines of what I was trying to compare average Americans vs average Japanese.
I could lose weight in my 50s pretty easily, but i was still working too. Now in my mid 60s and retired, weight loss has become what seems like an impossibility....

I try to eat less and do more, but......

It's still what you're eating, when your eating, and the calories of intake vs eating at a will still lose weight without being active, but that helps with building/keeping muscle mass and overall good for your entire body systems. We men also suffer from lower testosterone as we age, so that needs some help from various forms. :)
Thank you. Finally something that makes sense and seems easy enough while being healthy. Im at 237 right now. I want to get to 195/200. This is the heaviest ive ever been and i feel it. Is there somewhere that lists calorie amounts for various foods?
There are plenty of websites that will tell you the nutritional values of food.
Some that come to mind that I eat often.
Egg Whites - Low in Calories, no Fat and high in Protein.
Ground Beef (Extra Lean) 90%/10% oz. for oz. is better then ground chick, turkey, etc. In Macro nutrients and Essential Amino Acids (EAA) and Fats.

There are a few things to try and achieve:

1. be disciplined,
2. find High volume Low calorie food. (Mushrooms, Broccoli, Baby broccoli, Rappini, Egg whites, Strawberries, tuna)
3. eat approx. 1 gram of protein of body weight you are trying to reach. 190lbs = eat 190g of protein in a day
4. MOVE.... minimal 10k steps every day.
5. Drink Water. (I would recommend 120 oz. in a day)

I plan out my Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner each Sat night. I shop for it on Sunday and prep what I can before Monday morning.

2/3cup Egg-whites
4 oz of White mushrooms
2 tbsp of onion
pico de gallo salsa (fresh)
x2 of the Fage 0-sugar yogurt (any flavor is good).
204 Cal. , 15g Carbs, 34g Protein (most important for men), 0 fat.

1 can of Tuna (Safe Catch is best), 1tbs mayo, 2 heaping tsp of Fage 0% (Fat free) yogurt, season to taste with salt/pepper, dill, etc, 1 tsp of Dijon mustard.
Lettuce cups (or the kind of big leafs you can use to wrap a burger in), instead of bread)
1 med Banana
360 Cal., 46g Protein, 43g carbs, 10g fat,

also having a good Protein shake helps you meet the daily protein need.

But for Breakfast and Lunch I have only eaten a total of 564 Calories..
That leaves me with 1200+ available calories to eat ( I have my daily calories set to 1800).
for dinner and a snack before bed.

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