BethV's latest activity

  • BethV
    BethV reacted to Jim6820's post in the thread Brisket experimenting with Like Like.
    This! 👆 Smoking brisket is a constant learning process, but “keeping it simple” will get you off to a great start. I don’t claim to be...
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to Pacman's post in the thread Brisket experimenting with Like Like.
    Just FYI, I wrecked a lot of brisket (well at least a few) trying to cook on stick burners. The consistent temps and predictable smoke...
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to BigDan's post in the thread Brisket points with Like Like.
    Definitely agree with @SmokeZilla on not being afraid of it. My experience is the same as his in regards to forgiveness. To me it’s...
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to SmokeZilla's post in the thread Brisket points with Like Like.
    Motodad1776, Interestingly enough, the Wagyu is more forgiving. The additional fat content and its lower melting point give you a...
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to SmokeZilla's post in the thread Brisket points with Like Like.
    Deckle is the hardened fat that sits in the “pocket” between the point and the flat. It typically needs to be cleaned out during the...
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to Dunn Ranch's post in the thread Need a gas grill recommendation with Like Like.
    Not really sure on what to recommend for a built-in, but I would check and see if Costco or Sam’s Club maybe has one. I have a regular...
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to mtross21's post in the thread Need a gas grill recommendation with Like Like.
    I have a Weber Genesis and they have many add on options
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to C. Keeper's post in the thread Road Warrior 340P Phantom Behavior with Like Like.
    You make a valid point, unplug it when not in use. I suggest contacting RT to report the issue and assistance.
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to Roaniecowpony's post in the thread Brisket experimenting with Like Like.
    At the 11 hr mark, I bumped the temp to 225F since it seemed to have stalled in the 150s. Still not wrapped. At nearly 13.5 hrs, I...
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to Jim6820's post in the thread Brisket experimenting with Like Like.
    A good, well-aged Zin (Zinfandel) is hard to beat. And, in sufficient quantity, it will make you do some interesting things. Don’t ask...
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to Roaniecowpony's post in the thread Brisket experimenting with Like Like. was a half bottle of a Zin we laid down about 5 years ago. Smooth as silk, and that big rich Zin dark flavor. But yeah, it...
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to TheRicker's post in the thread Need a gas grill recommendation with Like Like.
    I have the Grilla Grills Primate. You can run it as a regular gasser or pull out the stainless steel grates and drop in the full-sized...
  • BethV
    BethV reacted to DenStinett's post in the thread Bull June 2024 Brisket Flat with Like Like.
    Started a nice Brisket Flat Saturday Night The Roast along with a Jar of Smoked Tallow: Done and sliced Nice Smoke Ring: As tender...
  • BethV
    BethV replied to the thread Brisket experimenting.
    I have been using Chris Lilly's brisket rub recipe for years now. He uses beef bouillon as well however he uses powdered bouillon along...
  • BethV
    BethV replied to the thread Need a gas grill recommendation.
    Looks beautiful. Thank you so much.