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  • Hey Jim:
    Just (fully) read your "Signature"
    Your 340 has WiFi, Yes ?
    Tried deleting any old RT App you my have on your device
    Momma found She had their "Older" Apps, deleted everything and downloaded RT's newest one
    It's been working great for us ever since .... and we have one of those "Mesh" WiFi / Router Set-ups, which we were told was the issue with the older Apps

    Be safe, Den S
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    Reactions: Jim6820
    Hi, Den; thanks for the note. Hope all is well with you and yours.

    Yes, I have wifi on the RT-340 (2.4 GHz only) and have deleted the old app (several times). I’ve loaded the latest version several times as well, but no real improvement.

    Since we are in the midst of relocating and haven’t gotten the RT-340 down to the new house yet, I haven’t really pursued the issue. Good to hear from you. Stay well.

    Hey Jim:
    Good luck on your move
    Catherine and I are in our "Forever Home" here in Utah
    I can't see us ever moving again
    Hard to believe we've accumulated so much stuff
    We've been here since 2006 and there's boxes that are still taped-up from that move
    Kinda says "you really didn't need to keep that junk" doesn't it o_O
    Been there, done that, Den. Thanks for the good wishes. We are moving to our “forever house” now. Like you, we’ve been at the soon-to-be “old house” 20 years and have accumulated a bunch of stuff. We’ll eventually get it done.
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